单车在中国人眼里就一直是cheap的标志, 现在都开车了, 骑单车反而危险了. 最近项目的需要, 发现单车是能做得如此的高档的. 因此观念全部变了. 然后, 想要改变更多人的观念, 需要一个长期的过程. 这个市场也很难在国内形成. 下面是自选的一些比较帅的单车. 中国青少年想象力世界倒数第一(调研的21个国家中), 备忘一下. colorful
Tag: 单车
cart 13 – cargo bicycle
故名思意, 可以带或者装很多东西的单车
cart 12 – 10 Brilliant Redesigns for the Bicycle / 10个关于单车的重新设计[popular mechanics]
10 Brilliant Redesigns for the Bicycle The bicycle is the near-perfect vehicle, but that doesn’t stop people from (brilliantly) messing with the design to increase speed, comfort or desirability to commuters. Here are 10 innovative variations on the bike. Varna Tempest After moving to Toronto from Belgrade in the 1970s, sculptor Georgi Georgiev found inspiration…